~Oil Paintings~

Quiet Tracks oil on canvas 24 x 36 inches Sold
Exhibited: Western Spirit Art Exhibit, Old West Museum, Cheyenne, WY
Susan Slomski oil painting mountain scene western landcape
Susan Slomski oil painting mountain scene western landcape
Oil Shale oil on canvas 22 x 30 inches Sold - Commissioned piece
At Tree Line oil on canvas 18 x 24 inches
Gone South oil on canvas 18 x 24 inches Recently sold
Exhibited: Inspirational Exhibit, Heritage Fine Arts Guild
Into the Mystic oil on canvas 18 x 24 inches $1200.00

Pure oil paint pigments are mixed with pure linseed or walnut oil. My canvases are primed with gesso followed by thinned oil paint for an under coat.

Framing is optional. Gallery pieces or pieces hung in exhibits are professionally framed.

Pedernal View oil on canvas 12 x 24 inches $1200.00

(c) all images and content copyright of Susan Slomski

Heading Out oil on canvas 20 x 30 inches $1800.00
Exhibited: Western Spirit Art Exhibit, Old West Museum, Cheyenne, WY